A day of firsts

This sleeping in his own room may actually be working - Leo slept until 6am this morning! So the day started well. Leo sat up unaided for the first time today. Previously he would topple to one side or the other and it was fun trying to guess which way he would fall! Here you see him playing with the stacking blocks Grandma and Grampa bought him. As you can see, he's still not particularly stable as he frequently overreaches. Leo spend most of his waking hours trying to put everything into his mouth. Now he's started to take after his old man and learning to put his foot in it! That's my boy! I joined Mary and the other NCT girls on their weekly swimming trip for the first time. It was great fun splashing around with Leo in the pool. I even summoned up the courage to dunk him, though it took some coercion. Leo had a go in Sebastian's inflatable ring and he loved it, kicking away like a maniac. Finally this afternoon, Leo became mobile for the first time - he's started caterpillaring backwards! It's quite funny to watch and he gets terribly frustrated as his toys move even further away!


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