Stop! Nappytime!

Since Leo has become mobile, changing his nappy has become a very smelly, messy and difficult business. The boy will not lie still for more than ten seconds. Sometimes, I think we need the McLaren pit team to help out - they may be the only ones who could manage a nappy change in that time. Distraction seems to be the only option, but in a moment of exasperation the immortal words of MC Hammer came to mind, "Stop! Hammertime!" followed by some crazy 1980's dancing. It certainly stopped Leo in his tracks. I'm sure he was thinking, "Dad. Don't you ever do that in front of my friends!" For you nostalgic types, or those who have no idea who MC Hammer is and would like to see what I'm talking about, enjoy this clip. (The dancing is classic and the famous phrase is towards the end. You don't get that sort of quality these days!)


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