The L-Team

Two years ago, we demolished our walk-in wardrobe to replace it with our own cutom made one. Shortly aftwerwards work stalled following the birth of our son and we've been using propped up rails covered with a blanket ever since. Mary had almost given up hope when a little boy in disguise offered a helping hand. Before she knew it, she'd hired the L Team!


Rosalind said…
Wow Leo, you're so clever! I've got over £20 in my money box so, when we're older, let's buy a huge house and do it up together so that we can live together with our mummies and daddies and sisters and your brother and all our friends. I'm not much good with a hammer or a chisel but I'm superb at making lots of tea with plenty of sugar, so building work should go smoothly!
Anonymous said…
Bravo Léo !
J'espère que Papa aura ton niveau d'excellence un jour !!!
Hélène (ta cousine française...) xxx

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