Battle at Bedtime

Leo moved into his new room yesterday. We've been decorating it with all his favourite things - cars, fire engines, diggers, police cars, monster trucks. We also took the opportunity to convert his cot into a bed and take down the sides. It worked remarkably well yesterday and putting him to bed was even easier than normal. Unfortunately this afternoon was a different story... He got into his bed easily and after a short story told mummy to go away. Fifteen minutes later, we had a call from the builders decorating our bathroom that Leo was running around on the landing! The little lad was beside himself with excitement and a battle of wills ensued. Familiar with the techniques of Supernanny, Mary returned him to bed. Five minutes later his head peered around the door. This process was repeated approximately 35 times before it stopped being a game and all was quiet. When Mary checked on him a little later, she found him sitting quietly on his bed with his alarm clock, trying to set it off! If finally took another 30 times of putting him back down before he finally threw in the towel and had a nap! She may have won the first battle, but I think there's a long way to go beforewe win the war.


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