
Showing posts from April, 2007

Whatchoo talkin' about Daad?

He reminded me of Arnold, from the old TV series Diff'rent Strokes , in this photo! At soon as he can speak, I'll be teaching him Arnold's famous catchphrase ! The poor little mite has been suffering from quite bad colic since his jabs - I wonder if the two are linked? Hopefully things will get better soon...

Jab Day

He started the day nice and happy. Little did he know that he was two months old and it was jab day today! Three needles later the poor little mite didn't know what hit him. He was actually taking part in a study of vaccine efficacy, so he'll be a lab rat for another week. Poor boy!


Caitlin came to visit today. It was a gorgeous day, so we went for a walk through the woods to a local pub, The White Horse , in Burnham Green. The bluebells have started to come through. I love spring!

Caught on Camera: Leo's Smile

Whilst he's been smiling for a few weeks now, this is the first time we have managed to catch his elusive smile on camera.

Two very proud dads!


Meet The Grandparents

Leo met all of his grandparents today. Including, for the first time, Great Grandfather Jo Payne (affectionately known as Gramps), who was thrilled to see him. At 91 years old, Gramps is 546 times Leo's age!!!

All the NCT babies have arrived!

Mums and babies looking incredibly well at our first complete NCT coffee afternoon. Congratulations ladies!!!