
Showing posts from September, 2007

NCT Harvest Ball

We got the chance to pretend we had a social life last night as we headed off to the NCT Harvest Ball. Leo, who knew we were going out, decided that he would prefer that we didn't and bedtime didn't go entirely to plan. Luckily my parents, who were kindly babysitting, made sure we got to the ball on time (well, only an hour late). As you can see, the girls were looking especially lovely and the guys, well, at least we'd scrubbed up. Dinner was nice. Mary's tummy muscles got a good workout as she laughed hysterically at her own joke about the jelly dessert for at least fifteen minutes before realising that we were laughing at her rather than with her! A charity auction followed and Claire bought a flight in a Russian Yak stunt plane, for hubby Alex's 40th birthday! The boys got to play on a giant Scalextric track and Luke proudly took first place. Spirits were still running high as we hit the dance floor and a few embarrassing photos ensued. The least said

Billy Moss vs Billy Elliot

Some of you might know of Mary's insidious plan to turn our son Leo into a ballet-dancing Billy Elliot. One glance at our beautiful baby boy would immediately show you that this is a misguided effort - as one nurse put it, "Look at t'e t'ighs on t'at" (in a thick Irish accent). Clearly Leo is built to be a rugby prop forward - more Billy Moss (of Bath and England U19) than a Billy Elliot. So to that effect, I got him his first rugby ball. I think the ball and his rugby shirt suit him much better than a tutu. What do you think - comments welcome? I suppose he could always follow in Matt Dawson's shoes and do both (you may have seen him in Strictly Come Dancing). Nevertheless, I think he needs a few more "manly influences" to his upbringing - perhaps I should go part time...

Norfolk pace

Why does everyone drive so slowly in Norfolk? We've just returned from a four-day holiday there and it seems that we spent half the time sitting in our car, following some granny in a BMW tank driving slower than a man could run (well one man anyway, Maurice Greene, who holds the record at 27mph)! Anyway, when we finally stopped driving, we had a lovely time. We were staying at Titchwell Manor , a wonderful family-friendly place which has been voted the best small hotel in Norfolk. Our room was lovely, but with just one problem - the curtains were not much better than net curtains. As such, we were forced to set up Leo's travel cot in the shower (being the darkest part of our room)!!! I wonder what the maid must have thought? We spent some lovely afternoons playing on the beach at Wells and Holkham, followed by some great tea and cakes at Holkham Hall (including the World's best cheesecake) and a lovely three course dinner back at the hotel. If you'd like t


We sprung a surprise birthday party on my mum today. As it's not her birthday until Tuesday, it caught her unaware. She's had a bit of a cold recently, so turned up with a surgical face mask on, so as not to spread her germs! Leo thought it was incredibly funny and pulled it off within three seconds! As you can see, she got to spend the afternoon relaxing and playing with all of her offspring. She was an incredibly proud and happy lady. After putting Leo and Izzy to bed Mary made us all had a lovely dinner and, for once, Mum managed to sit still without helping (Joan, my mother in law, told her to sit still and I think mum's was a little scared!). She's starting to realise that relaxing can be fun too. From all the family, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!!! xxx

Who needs spoons?

"Hey. Give me that spoon!" "See, I don't need your help." "Who needs spoons anyway?" "All gone!"