
Showing posts from May, 2008

A Lovely Saturday

Love was in the air today for Louise and Martin who got married today. Mary went to celebrate with them and by all accounts it was a gorgeous wedding and a wonderful day. So congratulations to Mr and Mrs Willis! That left Leo and myself time for some male bonding. We played with cars, went fishing in the bath, ate biscuits all day (because I love the way Leo says "bikit"), got tattoos in finger paint and went cruising for chicks on our bike. There was certainly love in the air for Leo this afternoon as he was picked up by one particular young blonde bike chick, Rosalind (girls are so forward these days). Here you see the cheeky pair having just emerged from the "Tunnel of Love" in Knebworth's play park.


Watch the master at work. One for the Tate methinks.

Pedal Power

The country roads nearby are wonderful for cycling on and we've been desperate to get back on our bikes and go cycling as a family. Unfortunately Leo's head has been too small to wear a helmet. So after months of praise, his head has finally swelled enough! Here's he is on our first trip although it was rather short as we only got about 50m before getting a puncture! Luckily the second attempt was a little more successful as we made it all the way to the local pub for a swift half of milk.

Introducing Mr and Mrs Lyons

Nick and Charlotte (Mary's cousin) got married today and what a perfect day it was (see here for some more photos). With the hottest day of the year so far, the weather didn't disappoint and the lucky couple looked absolutely stunning. Congratulations to you both!!! Leo loved his first wedding, in particular his two (!) puddings of profiteroles followed by chocolate ice cream. But his personal highlight came at the end of the evening when having changed into his pyjamas for the journey home, he made his escape whilst we said our goodbyes, toddling onto the dance floor and dancing his heart out. Thank you Charlotte and Nick for a wonderful day and we hope you have a wonderful honeymoon.