
Showing posts from July, 2008

Flying with Aunt Cathy

Leo was very taken by Aunt Cathy when she came to visit today and I think it's safe to say that she was besotted with his cherub-cheeks. They had a wonderful time playing together bouncing on the trampoline, playing in the sand and learning to fly, but in the end a tired boy just needs his mama...


Move over Ronaldo, here comes Leo!

Down on the farm

We took Leo to Willows Farm today as one of his friends, Bethany, held her fourth birthday party there. Leo loved it - he giggled at the guinea pigs, held a rabbit (somewhat warily), baa-ed at the sheep (and goats and lamas), squealed at the pigs, mooed at the cows and very gingerly petted the horse whilst neighing. Then we got down to the rides, but spent virtually all of our time on the bouncy castle. The best thing about it was that I got to go on too! I haven't been on one for at least 20 years and I'd forgotten what I've been missing - it's so much fun. I wonder if Mary would like a large inflatable yellow "sculpture" for her new garden. Hmmm ...

Baffling Brolley Boy

I returned home this evening to find Mary's umbrella lying in the garden. Thinking she must have forgotten it, I went to pick it up, when all of a sudden it got up and ran away!

Yoga Baby

Mary was practising her yoga this morning in the conservatory whilst Leo looked on in fascination. After a while he thought he'd show mummy how to do it properly and here you see him teaching her to do "Down Dog". We were surprised at his prowess, but then remembered that he'd been practising since he was a foetus!