
Showing posts from March, 2011

2011 Sydney

Hi from Oz! I've been in Sydney with work and given the ridiculously long flight, I've decided to tag a few days of holiday onto the end of the trip. I've walked for miles, had some great food and caught up with my cousin and his family. The highlight of the trip was Taronga Zoo this morning, where I saw boxing kangaroos, a newborn gorilla breastfeeding, a cute baby elephant playing football and many other amazing animals. Check out some of my snaps... Nevertheless, I can't wait to get back to the UK and my own little zoo!

How Many Spidermen Does It Take To...

...blow out a candle? Our little boys have gone loopy over Spiderman. Leo got a costume for his birthday last month and poor Ollie has been desperate for one ever since. Fortunately he didn't have long to wait, as less than a month later, he had his very own Spiderman party. Check out the pics . I hope I get muscles like that for my birthday...