
Showing posts from October, 2011

Halloween treats

The pumpkin was put to good use at our Halloween party in the afternoon, attended by 10 (!) of the children from our original NCT group. It was very special to have them all around the same table, and then troop off into the darkness with glow bands shining to wreak havoc on the neighbours who very kindly supplied many treats for our ravaging hoards of little monsters.

My First Pumpkin

Leo asked if I would carve him a pumpkin for his halloween party tomorrow. We had a look at some examples on the internet and he picked his favourite. Unfortunately I didn't think I'd be able to manage the "Yoda" pumpkin, so we settled on this...   Not bad for a first attempt? Leo thought so too and I received a big kiss and cuddle for my efforts. Perhaps next year I'll try the Yoda one (although as Yoda would say, "Do, or Do not. There is no try!")

Avengers Assemble

October is always a difficult month for I'm often away for most of it with work trips. In fact I've just returned from LA, where I was staying at the Beverly Wilshire hotel (sounds difficult - I know). Perhaps it's more difficult for my family... This time, however, the boys didn't mind me leaving as I happened to meet some very important people. They weren't bothered by my work colleagues, nor even President Obama! They were far more impressed by the Avengers! The boys adore the Avengers, so my meeting them in LA made the whole ordeal worthwhile. Particularly when I told then that I would be bringing back their favourite Avengers' costumes. The look on their little faces as I walked in the door was priceless. Thanksfully, I won't be going away for a while.