
Bicycle Race

One milestone I've been really looking forward to is teaching my boys to ride a bike and today we achieved it, much sooner than expected! We attended a session at Barleyfields Children's Centre in Woolmer Green aimed at helping parents teach their kids to ride.  Having just woken up in a strop Ollie stomped off to mope on the sidelines, but Leo was riding all by himself within 15 minutes!  Seeing this, Ollie decided to try and, sure enough, he was also riding around before too long! Well done boys, Mummy and I are so proud of you both!

Sport Relief 2012

Leo and Ollie were inspired by Helen Skelton's trek to the South Pole and figured that they could face their own challenge of running a mile for Sport Relief. A mile is a long way to go on little legs, but Leo did brilliantly muttering, "Never give up!" the whole way! Together we managed to raise £235 for Sport Relief, so we'd like to extend a great big thank you to all of our sponsors. Love, Team De Silva

Superheros and Baddies

Leo, Ollie and Tristram had their 'Superhero and Princesses' party today. Poor Tristram was feeling poorly, but he still managed to put on a good show as Ben 10. Mr Marvel, the magician was the best children's entertainer that I've come across and he held about 40 young kids enthralled for well over an hour! However, as far as Leo was concerned, the pinnacle of his act was when Leo got to beat him over the head with a fluffy wand! You've got to wonder what goes through that boy's head! To top it all off, Kelly made the most amazing three-tier superhero cake. Ollie was very excited by Iron Man bursting out of it, saying "I'm going to eat Iron Man's head. Is I'm a baddie?!!" Here are a few pics from the party .

Dino Hunters

For Leo's fifth birthday we went to the Natural History and Science museums. Seeing dinosaurs the boys' birthdays is becoming a bit of a tradition, having visited Dinosaurs Unleashed for the last two years. As you can see, Ollie dressed perfectly for the occasion, with his black tie and blue Batman cape/towel! Unfortunately, he didn't see much holding his binoculars backwards! When we left the Natural History Museum, the queue was about a mile long! We were a little worried about the queue at the Science Museum, but as it turned out, there was none. I wonder what that says about our next generation...

Duck Fish

Leo has a morning routine at school, where he takes off his coat and shoes, puts his snack in a box and answers the 'question of the day'. Today, his question was, Which animal starts with the letter 'F'? a) Duck; or b) Fish. Leo answered the question quickly and then said "If 'Duck' started with an 'F', it would sound like F***!" He was a little bemused by the snorts of laughter from Kelly. Luckily even his teacher, Mrs Corcoran, found it funny.

Me Time

I've been a bit busy recently, as you may have guessed from my lack of posts. So I thought that I'd take a bit of me time and work on my photography. I spent the day wandering around London taking a few snaps. Here are a few of my favourites . Hopefully next year I'll find a little more time to blog?

Halloween treats

The pumpkin was put to good use at our Halloween party in the afternoon, attended by 10 (!) of the children from our original NCT group. It was very special to have them all around the same table, and then troop off into the darkness with glow bands shining to wreak havoc on the neighbours who very kindly supplied many treats for our ravaging hoards of little monsters.