
Showing posts from May, 2007

Teething Trouble

Leo has recently started sleeping through the night. Unfortunately it looks like this wonderful state of affairs may not last long. He's stopped drinking water from his bottle, but chews the teat instead of sucking it. He's started dribbling a lot, his cheeks were red yesterday and he's unusually grouchy at times. It looks like he's started teething! Oh joy!

Izzy's Baptism

My neice Izzy was baptised this weekend. The ceremony was held in St Michael's church, Stinsford, where Thomas Hardy is buried and where my brother got married in March last year. Here you can see Izzy with my mum, looking very happy indeed. The robe she is wearing was knitted for me by my Aunty Arlette and has done the rounds around the entire family.

We're going on a bear hunt

Leo was a very happy boy today. I've no idea why, but he spent a lot of time, playing, smiling and "talking". He's getting quite adept at making funny noises and his repetoire is certainly increasing. He enjoys listening to new sounds too, so today I read him his first book at bedtime, " We're going on a bear hunt ", by Michael Rosen. It's a great book for little ones with lots of repetition and plenty of fun sounds. As you can see, Leo was fascinated.

A Title Contender?

Leo's been staring at his hands for a few weeks now and whilst he still tries to eat them, he's found another use for his fists - bashing his toys! Look out Amir Khan, Leo may be gunning for your title! His footwork is pretty nifty too - the gym has a kick pad which plays music upon touch. I'm not sure I'll ever get that tune out of my head!

The Forest of Payne!

Went on our first family holiday post Leo, to visit Grumps and Nana Joan in Wales. Whilst we were there we had a wander around the "Forest of Payne", Joan and Clive's wood. The whole wood was covered in bluebells - magical!

Our Little Monkey!

Leo's just starting to figure out how to use his hands and spending much of his waking time trying to stuff both fists in his mouth at the same time! He saw himself in the mirror today and was fascinated with his reflection. Given that he's only just figured out that he has hands, he probably doesn't recognise his own reflection yet. But, perhaps I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and pretend he now has the intelligence of a great ape! Well done son!