
Showing posts from June, 2007

His First Tear

Leo had his third set of jabs today. There were three injections one in each leg and one in his right arm. The poor little boy screamed until he could scream no more and then a little tear slipped out and rolled slowly down his cheek - his very first. It was heartbreaking, but luckily mummy was there to kiss it away. 30 seconds later though, he was smiling away, happy as Larry. At least until it came to pulling off his plasters.

My First Fathers' Day

Today was a good day. At 7am Leo gave me a beautiful smile, a card as big as himself and the wonderful mug you see above - complete with his own footprint. Met up with the NCT lads for a bike ride around the local countryside. We were planning on a few pub stops along the way but unfortunately we left too early so all the pubs were shut! Instead we had to cycle further so we ended up doing about 20 miles in the end on just 1 pint of beer! We returned to the WABs (Wives and Babies) for a BBQ lunch at Lindsey and Brian's house, where we spent the afternoon eating some great home-made burgers. My own dad turned up in the evening. He hadn't seen Leo in over a week (we'd been on holiday to Cornwall) and was dying to see him. Leo gave him his biggest smile yet and another card from both of us. It made Dad's day and he sent us a very soppy email that evening. All in all, a very good day. Goodnight.

More holiday fun

Leo has been playing on his front a lot recently and he managed to roll over for the first time! It took us all by surprise, even he looked a little shell shocked. However, it was our collective shout of joy that startled him - making the poor little mite cry. I'm not sure he'll be trying it again in a hurry! This afternoon I took him swimming with Mary. He'd been once before a couple of weeks ago, but it was my first time with him. I was very pleased that Leo loved every minute of it - he really has taken to water. I've heard that little babies can swim underwater, but I was a little too frightened to give it a go without an experienced instructor helping out. The swimming really tired him out and afterwards he fell into the deepest sleep, midway through his feed. Let's hope he sleeps well tonight...

Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside

Mary's 30th birthday present from her parents was a holiday for the family (Leo's first - not that he needs one since he's been born). We stayed in Eastwood Cottage in Trevigue, Cornwall. We took him down to the beach at Crackington Haven and he loved splashing around in a rock pool.

Doctor. Doctor.

Congratulations Mares! She graduated from her PhD today (she should have received it last year, but we were attending my brother's wedding). We all got dressed up and it was a lovely day out for the whole family to Senate House in London. Leo wasn't sure what to make of mummy in funny clothes but when he saw the certificate, he had to get his hands on it! So it looks like we have two doctors in the family.