
Showing posts from April, 2008

Make A Cake

We thought Leo might like to do a little cookery today so we thought we'd make some chocolate rice krispy cakes. Being a messy puppy, he loved it - measuring out the ingredients, tasting each one personally, mixing them up and best of all, putting the M&M's on top. However our little boy is a sneaky little thing as at soon as we turned our back he snatched an M&M and put it straight in his mouth! He then had the audacity to pretend it wasn't him. Luckily, we caught him red handed on CCTV.

And the little boy laughed...

... to see such fun. And the dish ran away with the spoon! Leo loves his books. Every morning after having his milk, he rushes to the bookshelf and grabs his nursery rhymes book. He needs a little help as, with 1,000 rhymes, it's bit too big and heavy for him. (Somehow it always seems to miss his toes as it falls to the floor!) He then sits down and proceeds to "read" it for ages, getting very excited when he comes across "Hey diddle diddle" or "Twinkle, twinkle, little star". He's even started making up actions to go with his favourite rhymes!

Bob the Builder

Walking past Tesco in Stevenage yesterday, Leo gave out an almighty shriek and practically jumped out of my arms. He hit the ground running, shouting "Car" all the way to this yellow digger. When he got there, he didn't really know what to do so tried hitting it, then eating it! Eventually I found a 50p piece and set him down on the seat. The first bars of " Bob the Builder " played out and the digger started rocking. A grin split Leo's face from cheek to cheek and he started jigging to the music. Unfortunately, 50p doesn't go very far these days and before he knew it, it was over. Shame I couldn't say the same thing about the song - it was stuck in my head for the next few hours. I can't wait to take him to Disney World now.

Poxy Party!

Leo's immune system has been under fire recently, having had his MMR jabs last week. To top it all off, the poor baby's caught chicken pox. He's putting on a brave face as he hasn't learnt to milk it yet! Tomorrow some of his friends are coming round for a Poxy Party! (Apparently, it's best to catch it while you're young and poxy parties are all the rage this season!)


After such a messy dinner, it was time for bath. However at soon as his nappy was off, the little tearaway made a break for freedom. He enjoyed running about in his birthday suit so much, we were afraid he'd pee all over the carpet. Luckily he waited until he got into the bath, before doing it on me!

Nothing changes

He may be seven months older ( see earlier post ), but our headstrong little boy still wants to feed himself with predictably messy results! Use your spoon Easy! Oops, wrong end! Oh dear - brain ache!