
Showing posts from June, 2008

Curious Leo

Leo recently went to our DVD collection and picked out one with a yellow cover (as yellow is his favourite colour). It had a monkey on the front and naturally he was curious so he brought it to me, saying "Book!" and "Oo oo!" It turned out to be the Curious George DVD and so I played it for him. As you can see, he was transfixed. Perhaps he thought he was looking in the mirror?

Fathers Day 2008

For my second Fathers Day, Leo gave me a wonderful day. He was so excited about it that we started at 6am! He'd made me a plate and four coasters, which he'd painted himself as well as a card featuring his artwork. We played together all morning and that afternoon we cycled to the park for a picnic with the NCT group. Just to make sure that mummy wasn't feeling left out, Leo had a little present for her too...

Manaa Manaa

Our little boy has been speaking Leoish for months and whilst he's currently learning English he continues to speak his native tongue much of the time. One of those words is "manaa," which means "give me" and when he wants something badly (which is most of the time) he says it twice. We previously thought Leoish was a unique language, conceived by the boy himself, but it turns out that it is actually a derivative of ancient Muppet - once popular in the previous century. This video is the last known recording of that wonderful language, but as Leo has never seen it until this morning it proves that the transfer of knowledge is possible through DNA.

Welcome Lucas!

The Clan expanded today with the arrival of Lucas at 00:27 this morning. Weighing in at 7lb 2oz, he's a gorgeous little thing with a lovely head of hair. He was incredibly alert, perhaps due to his mummy's lack of pain relief during her 20 hour labour (she's a trooper that one)! As you can see, mum and dad are doing very well - congratulations guys, and welcome to the family Lucas.