
Showing posts from September, 2008

Mum's 60th Birthday Tour

The second half of Mum's 60th Birthday celebrations was a holiday to see her family and friends in Mauritius. We thought we'd tag along too! We almost didn't make it past the airport. Leo loves minibuses so he thought he was in heaven whilst standing outside Heathrow's Terminal 2. After two hours of chasing minibuses, we finally convinced him that planes were more interesting and made our way inside. We spent the first half of the holiday with Aunty Arlette. Leo was loving all the attention and frequently toddled off to visit cousins Magali and Patrick nearby. We had parties most nights but ended with a big bash for Mum's actual 60th birthday (above). The entertainment was provided by our very own Patrick on the guitar, Magali and Mary on vocals and Leo with some cool new dance moves. If you'd like to see some photos, please see our online album .

Introducing Foetoo

We're delighted to announce a tiny new addition to our family! This little bundle of joy weighs about 14 grams and is just over 3 inches long. Loving known as "Foetoo" for the moment, he/she is due at the end of March 2009. Leo seems quite excited by it all and often kisses mummy's tummy, calling Foetoo "Baby in dere". Thankfully the first three months have been fairly kind to Mary and she's looking forward to cravings of sushi and ice cream during her second trimester!