
Showing posts from October, 2008

I vant to bite!


City of Shops

I went to Hong Kong for work last weekend and unfortunately spent most of the time inside our (very nice) hotel! Hong Kong seems great for food and we had an amazing eleven-course Chinese banquet at Yung Kee , including 1000-year-old eggs, dry ice and all sorts of other weird and wonderful stuff! I managed to find a few hours to explore an in that time managed to find a traditional "wet market" (where the fish are sold alive to keep them fresh), the Ladies' Market (to find a handbag for the Missus) and about 50 shopping centres. Hong Kong is certainly heaven for shopaholics. As I never seem to find the time (or the inclination) to go shopping these days, I managed to get a decade's worth of suits and shirts made for me! It turns out that I can even order online , so no more traipsing around Oxford Street for me - wahey! I'd just better make sure my measurements don't change.

Mummy Ogre

Children say the funniest things and with Leo's increasing vocabulary he's becoming hilarious. Here are a few of his gems... "Mummy Ogre!" - Leo proudly announcing to fellow diners on holiday that Mummy was at a yoga. "Mummy dancing. Badly!" - Obviously! "Kiss (my) poo bum bum!" - when he didn't want to lie down for a nappy change!

King Leo, Ruler of the Waves!

Our little boy must surely be of royal descent as he commands his loyal subjects in a truly imperious manner. He's had his family in thrall since birth, but in a matter of hours the lifeguards on the beach were carrying him aloft in a makeshift sedan chair, calling him the "Little Maharajah". Even the tides obeyed his every whim!

Leo's Holiday Scrapbook

The second half of my holiday was spent at the amazing Sugar Beach Hotel . Unfortunately Mummy and Daddy made me sleep in the bathroom because of my snoring, but the days were much better and there was plenty to do... I learnt how to canoe... went swimming... played football... and went for romantic walks on the beach... Most important of all was Kids Club where there were lots of toys and friendly people to play with. If Mummy and Daddy were being boring, I'd even go there on my own. All in all I had a wonderful holiday in Mauritius and am looking forward to going back next week. Love Leo