
Showing posts from October, 2009

Fancy a Bite!

The Boys went trick or treating this evening. Unfortunately, Vampire Leo didn't manage to get enough sweeties for his liking and Little Devil Ollie started to look quite juicy!!!

Wish I Weren't Here

I've been travelling with work this week. First to Bermuda and then on to Montreal. Everyone seems to think I'm on holiday and it certainly would appear that way - upgraded to first class on the way out, luxury hotels , great food , swimming in the sea, etc. However it's the longest I've ever been away from my boys and following our time together in Centre Parcs two weeks ago it's even harder to be away. We've managed to see each other on Skype, but Leo's comment, "I thought you were dead, Daddy!" almost had me on the next plane home. In fact I've seen virtually nothing of either country, spending most of my time working or in meetings. Fortunately I did manage two hours to get some souvenirs and hopefully I can buy my way back into their favour. I can't wait to get back home.

Centre Parcs

Having loved our time in Centre Parcs earlier this summer, we returned for another week. The lodge was a wonderful woodland retreat and I loved spending the entire week with the family. The boys thoroughly enjoyed their time with all the swimming, climbing, running, etc. and Leo became very proficient on his scooter. By the end of the week, however, all the activity had reduced our boys to mere shadows of their former selves. During our last meal there, poor Ollie slumped forward in his highchair, rested his chin on the dinner table and looked at us as if to say, "I can't take it anymore!" He couldn't even summon the strength lift his head again, barely opening his mouth for the odd spoonful of food. And for those of you familiar with Ollie's (a.k.a. the Beast of Mardley Heath) voracious appetite, that's really saying something.

Mummy, why do you always go shopping?

When Mary complimented Leo on how nice he looked in his lovely new top he replied, "Mummy, why do you always have to go shopping?!!" After spluttering in my Starbucks latte, I realised that he had a good point. You see, we've recently taken on a nanny and she's looked after the boys for the last three tuesday mornings. During that time, Mary has spent her newfound freedom shopping. When we were considering the merits of a nanny verses a nursery, the cost factor was very definitely in favour of a nanny. Unfortunately, I'd neglected to consider that the true cost of a nanny is not just her wages but, perhaps more importantly, what your wife does with her time!