
Showing posts from February, 2010

Clan Meetings

Most Sunday mornings, our Matriarch (Grandma) gathers the De Silva clan together. These meetings are often characterised by loud music, crazy dancing and offerings to the God of Mahem - and that's just the adults! The pygmies love their time together and it's heart-warming to watch them careering around the living room shouting at the tops of their voices. No meeting of the De Silva clan would be complete without the traditional feast and Grandma's special soup is always a welcome winter warmer, guaranteed to slip down the throats of even the most temperamental eater.

First Steps

Ollie has seemed on the verge of walking for the last two months now. Admittedly, we haven't really encouraged him as he's already getting himself into enough trouble on all fours (he's a fearless climber). However it seems the lazy little boy has been having us on as he seems to prefer being cuddled and carried around. He was caught on CCTV standing unaided at his party a fortnight ago and today he took his first two steps (public) towards Grampa Clive. As soon as he realised his mistake he flopped to the floor, but not before he'd been seen. He grinned sheepishly at all the applause and cheering and then asked to be carried!

Make a Wish

We celebrated Leo's third birthday today and it started with a present hunt around the house. With the help of his metal detector (his first present) he proceeded to uncover a whole shopful of toys - many of which were linked to some Welsh fire department. After dropping Ollie off at my parents we had lunch at Aroma, a chinese restaurant in Stevenage. Having learnt about China at pre-school last week, he was very excited, but not quite as much as he was about visiting the Netherlands' National Circus - where in contrast to us, he was rather fond of the clowns. Personally, I preferred the jugglers. We returned to my parents for dinner and a fire engine shaped birthday cake. Before blowing out the candles, we asked Leo to make a wish. He said, "I wish to be with my Daddy!" I turned to mush.

My First Birthday

I had my first birthday party today and it was brilliant! I shared it with Leo and Roz, but luckily I had my own cake! Kelly made it especially for me but it was disguised as Thomas the Tank Engine. I figured it out though! In fact, everyone was disguised: Leo was a fireman and Roz was Peppa Pig, but there was also Spiderman, Snow White, SpongeBob SquarePants, faries, princesses, cowboys, etc. We had a nice entertainer who was a bit mad and liked jumping around to the music. I preferred jumping around on the bouncy castle, although I did enjoy the parachute. The ball pit was fun and the food delicious (Daddy didn't let me try the beer), but the best thing of all was having all my favourite people with me. If you'd like to see some pictures of my party, Daddy's put them here . So long, and thanks for all the prezzies. Love you all. Ollie xxx