Due to today's inclement weather...

I'm tired of hearing that announcement at Kings Cross station every day this summer. Well we've had a few nice days recently and as you might expect those barbecues have been lit and are raring to go. Unfortunately today's, at Claire and Alex's, has been affected by that inclement weather! Nevertheless it was a lovely afternoon even though poor Alex was stuck outside cooking under his umbrella! The weather was much kinder yesterday, when we went to Mog and Ed's for another get together. There was certainly lots to celebrate as Mog's pregnant, as is Katie who's due in six weeks. Here you can see them both showing off their bumps. Congratulations girls! We also had two engagements: Caitlin and Dan, and Louise and Martin, both due to get married next year. So there were plenty of beers and champagne going around - shame it was my turn to drive.


Anonymous said…
Rosalind and I have just enjoyed looking at your photo album, Leo. There are some nice photos on there of when you were little. And Rosalind laughed when I told her how much I enjoyed a cuddle with Leo because he seemed so BIG and cuddly!

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