GIRO 2007

I spent last week at the annual GIRO (General Insurance Research Organisation) convention. You may laugh, but unless you've attended one, you can only dream of the hedonistic, depraved event that is an actuarial convention! Unfortunately for me, it didn't last long as I twisted my ankle in the mosh pit of a dance floor on the first night! I spent the rest of the convention in bed catching up on sleep (Leo has been up a lot recently) and hobbling between lectures on crutches. At least I got the chance to catch up with some mates. The convention hotel, the Celtic Manor, is a great five star hotel. Especially if you're into golf as it's the host of the 2010 Ryder Cup. It seemed to have everything - great restaurants, spas, swimming pools, etc. They even had crutches for my dodgy ankle! I'll have to make sure I go back again to make better use of it, though perhaps next time I'll choose a more sedate event. In the meantime, I'll get into training for next year's conference, in Sorento.


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