My First Birthday

Now I am a big boy and daddy lets me play with his computer, I thought I'd get a quick blog entry in while he wasn't looking! Yesterday was my first birthday and I was very excited. I knew there would be a party for me because I've been sneakily listening while mummy thinks I'm sleeping. Also I saw grandpa go red in the face after blowing up a gazillion balloons for me. All my friends and family came round to play and I loved being centre of attention (Daddy says I get that from Mummy)! We danced, played pass the parcel and had bubbles (my favourite)! Mummy gave a short speech during which she cried (and she's really old too - I thought only babies cry). Then they put a cake in front of me, but I wasn't sure what to do with it. I didn't want to bite it as Daddy spent all of Saturday decorating it with a picture of a Lion. Then, to my surprise, they cut it all up and let me bite it anyway - I'll never understand big people! I got lots and lots of presents and Aunt Cathy and big Joe both baked me some cakes. Thank you all! As I had such a nice time, I've decided to have another another birthday next month. Looking forward to seeing you all again. Love Leo XXX (big sloppy ones) P.S. Mummy and Daddy forgot to take photos, so if you've got any, they'd love to see them.


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