We'll fight another day

The latest skirmish in my Battle against the Bulge was a sortie to London with two like-minded new fathers, Alex and Brian. Thinking we were young whipper-snappers, we thought we could cycle to the Thames under cover of the lovely Lea Valley (over 30 miles), enjoy lunch at a riverside pub and get back in time to put our children to bed. All without any training. A particularly vindictive headwind developed as we passed the M25 and, no matter which direction we cycled in, it fought us. We sought refuge at The Grapes, a wonderful 300 year-old pub favoured by Charles Dickens. Unfortunately the Bulge won this skirmish as beer, roast lamb and apple crumble proved to be the wrong fuel for the return journey! The impending downpour sealed our decision and we made an organised retreat towards the trains at Liverpool Street. Nevertheless, it was a fun day - looking forward to the next round.


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