Leo has a morning routine at school, where he takes off his coat and shoes, puts his snack in a box and answers the 'question of the day'. Today, his question was, Which animal starts with the letter 'F'? a) Duck; or b) Fish. Leo answered the question quickly and then said "If 'Duck' started with an 'F', it would sound like F***!" He was a little bemused by the snorts of laughter from Kelly. Luckily even his teacher, Mrs Corcoran, found it funny.
Leo and Ollie were inspired by Helen Skelton's trek to the South Pole and figured that they could face their own challenge of running a mile for Sport Relief. A mile is a long way to go on little legs, but Leo did brilliantly muttering, "Never give up!" the whole way! Together we managed to raise £235 for Sport Relief, so we'd like to extend a great big thank you to all of our sponsors. Love, Team De Silva